Mar 22Liked by Ed Buckner

In WWII, every Briton was encouraged to "Do your bit." That is how I see voting. If each person does his/her bit, remarkable things can be accomplished.

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Mar 18Liked by Ed Buckner

The value, in some locations, of a single vote, has been proven repeatedly. Your story is a perfect illustration. In Hawaii, I accompanied my wife as she went door to door speaking with neighbors on behalf of a legislative candidate. He ran against a well-known local columnist whose wife, also a local columnist, was a prior beauty queen. When the votes were tallied, our favored, less glamorous, but hard-working, candidate, won by less than 20 votes. He later became the Governor’s Chief of Staff.

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Excellent points—for voters in swing states. Unfortunately if you live in a solid blue or solid red state, your individual vote for U. S. President doesn’t matter all that much, thanks to the electoral college. Whereas in a swing state like Georgia, every vote has outsized importance.

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