Sep 4Liked by Ed Buckner

thanks, Keith. We might ask, too, how active and former members of the military could vote for a man who considers them to be suckers, and who at general Kelly's son's grave site asked, "I don't get it, what's in it for him?" All this and more in Tm Nichols's and Jeffrey Goldberg's reporting at the Atlantic.

Perhaps a large part of the answer is that we don't know what democracy is. We think it's only democracy when a certain outcome prevails. This is true on the left and the right. Each has its definition of "the people," and both omit significant sectors of the population. We also think that democracy equal voting, but it's not. Voting is an element of democracy, to be sure, but democracy is fundamentally an ethical orientation toward fellow citizens, even -- especially -- the citizens we disagree with. But when we measure by ends, not means, and when we trim "the people" to our own liking, we're all petits fascistes.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 5Liked by Ed Buckner

Thanks, Kevin. Eloquently expressed, as always. Paraphrasing Voltaire, someone may vote differently from me every time, but I would defend to the death their right to cast those votes.

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