Beth Ann Fennelly, a teacher of creative writing at The University of Mississippi, wrote an article for the New York Times that says the same thing I did. It was republished in today's Houston Chronicle as "There's more to college degrees than dollar signs." Absolutely. Those who would put universities on a "business model" are those, as Oscar Wilde put it, "who know the cost of everything and the value of nothing." BTW, for an excellent book on the administrative obsession with metrics, read Jerry Z. Muller's The Tyranny of Metrics.

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Anyone who missed a chance to learn from Keith Parsons or Jodi Goodman is foolish at best.

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The philosophy courses I chose to take were my favorite courses in college. I wish I had minored in Philosophy or double majored.

As someone who spent my career as a professor, I’m not surprised your university students were less motivated than your prison students. It’s a sad state of affairs. Of course, I am happy your prison students were so engaged.

My dad taught courses at Coxsackie Prison in NYS when I was a kid. I think he taught a civics course. I remember being glad the prisoners had an opportunity for some education inside and proud of my dad for teaching there.

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