Jul 1Liked by Ed Buckner

Ed, I agree with your analysis. It looks like the meeting you suggest happened this weekend with Biden, his family, and a very few close advisors at Camp David.

As you note, the imperative is defeating Donald Trump. I don't think Biden, in his current state, can do that. Unfortunately, I don't think that any last-minute Democratic replacement can either. For example, I don't think Kamala Harris could carry more than six or seven states.

That said, he needs to examine why he's staying in the race. Is it his own ego? Or, is it that he has done the math and believes his continued candidacy offers the best chance of defeating Trump? I think it's probably a bit of both.

What this affair does is to show the importance of Democrats winning both the House and Senate. This is where the bulwark against Trump's ambitions will likely need to be erected.

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Jul 1Liked by Ed Buckner

Ed, your comments were the most clear-eyed and rational I have seen. Above all, Trump must be defeated. Nothing since winning World War II has been more important for the preservation of the American system of government. Trump is a traitor and a would-be autocrat. He has already said what he will do.

He wants to detain and deport millions of people:


His crackpot tariff plan will be economically ruinous:


He will weaponize the Justice Department to persecute his enemies:


In the face of climate change, his policy will be "drill, baby, drill."


Further, Trump's fanboys at the ultra-right Heritage Foundation have outlined a whole program for transforming America into a Christo-fascist state:


So, how do we beat Trump? I don't know, but I do know how to lose to him. Changing candidates now, just four months before the election, would project desperation and panic, which are images most definitely to be shunned.

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Jul 1Liked by Ed Buckner

Thank you for this summary of the current situation. So disturbing. I agree with your conclusion.

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It's just sad but true. Biden also apparently cannot go on the Sunday shows and defend his performance. and record and/or call out Trump's lies. Biden is a good man and will hopefully realize that this is what he must do, although I am not optimistic that he will do anything other than stay the course and believe he can win. At a minimum, Biden should not have another debate unless his team is certain it will not go like the first one.

I do feel, however, that due to the exceptional nature of this situation, Democrats should strike a deal where they let Biden retire while they rally around Kamala Harris as the VP, who, constitutionally, is in line to take over in event Biden needs to step aside anyway. I do agree that anything else could turn ugly. Unfortunately I do think we are nearly a perfect storm forming against Democracy in this country.

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