Are pets worth as much as people? Cats are far more valuable than some people. Given a choice between saving a lifeboat of kitties and a lifeboat containing J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, Stephen Miller, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Tucker Carlson, and assorted TV evangelists, I would save the kitties and let the others sleep with the fishes. I would sleep like a baby that night.
Pets give love of a purity humans seldom achieve. Love greater than we deserve--like the supposed grace of God. For me, life without cats would hardly be worth living. They are members of my family. I fully understand people who died trying to save their pets.
An animal is never worth your life. Never. How can think so little of your own life?? A cat, gerbil, canary, dog, ferret, iguana, whatever, is a simple minded beast that views us as walking can openers. Pets would "bond" with a robot if it regularly provided food.
Many humans bond with inanimate things, things that give them far less than your hypothetical robot. Millions fetishize their firearms, and would die for them. "They will take my gun when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers" the gun fetishists declare. People have inordinate love for clothes, shoes, vehicles, jewelry, and their phones.
Cats are "simple minded?" No cat is ever as irrational as human beings are every day. Who is smarter, one who pursues simple pleasures and is satisfied with them, or those who employ the complexities of their intellects to create endless frustrations, pointless anxieties, irrational resentments, and intractable problems for themselves and others?
A cat is superior to you in almost every way. Pound for pound it is much stronger. Its senses are far more acute. Black midnight for us is only twilight for a cat. Cats can hear frequencies far higher pitched than we can. Their sense of smell is far more acute. If you were as athletic as a cat, you could stand in your front yard and jump onto your roof.
A big cat is even more impressive. The fastest human sprinter can cover 100 meters in a little less than ten seconds. A tiger can do it in four. If you are ever so unfortunate to find yourself in the woods at night near a tiger, know this: You cannot see him, but he can see you. He can hear the breath in your nostrils, your swallow of saliva, and the beating of your heart. With one blow he can instantly kill the strongest human being.
So, maybe you should rethink your knee-jerk human chauvinism. Are you demonstrating your superior intelligence by making groundless, unargued assertions about animals never being worth your life and asking questions like "How can you think so little of your own life?" This is a textbook example of a loaded question, like "Do you still beat your wife?" Hey, if your comment was intended to demonstrate superior human intelligence, it is a notable failure.
Oh, so I take it you'd save a drowning cat over a drowning child, or even over your own mother, or sibling? I also take it you're a staunch vegan? How starving would you have to be to eat a steak? Which species invented the computer that you're using? Cats? Who made your clothing, who wrote the books you read? Cats? We can shoot dead the biggest lion or tiger by using a gun or even bow & arrow. Our brain, our mind, is superior. All the tools we create. Can pets fathom Einstein's equations?
Mary and Keith, please lower the rhetorical temperature a notch. I admire and respect Keith Parsons immensely, but I think I disagree with him in important ways regarding pets. But I know with almost 100% certainty that he would not sacrifice a human child to save a drowning cat. And I know he understands fully the important ways in which human beings and cats differ regarding intelligence, physical speed, etc. You two disagree--please leave it at that, OK?
In deference to you, Ed, I will refrain from replying at all to her reply. An appropriate response would not lower the temperature, so I will maintain silence.
I didn't mean to stir everyone up, but it really is concerning how high people place pets & other animals and preferring to focus on ways in which they are superior to people. Very rude to point out that cats are superior
to value as a human being is superior to a cat or any other animal.
I am sure others will say it, but I will say it first: The real problem is not pets but their owners. My sister used to live next door to some people who owned a schnauzer. Early on a weekend morning, circa 7:00 A.M., they would let this animal into their backyard, where he would immediately begin incessant barking. Actually, the bark was more like a high-pitched shriek. The sound was like a spike being driven into your skull. They eventually approached the neighbors and asked them politely to address the issue. They agreed to do so, but sullenly. Why the attitude? Do they think that neighbors should just tolerate their animated siren? People who do not control chronically barking dogs are creating a public nuisance and should be subject to fines.
The other side of Keith's story is listening to my sister, for many years a malamute breeder, go on about irresponsible pet owners, including some breeders. She had an exceptionally rigorous application and vetting process before she would agree to convey one of her dogs to a new home.
We might consider something similar for prospective parents.
Of course they did. it's like so many American parents and their kids. It was eye opening to live in Czechia for two years and learn you could sit in a crowded restaurant with a four-year-old at your back for the duration of a meal and have no idea he was there.
Kids and dogs don't have to be so awful so often. A few times when younger, meaner, and stronger, I was tempted to go up to the table where a screaming kid was ruining the dinner of everyone in the restaurant. I would get in the face of one parent and start screaming. After a few seconds, I would inquire, "There. How do you like it?" This would probably have resulted in a considerable escalation, however.
We bred the wild wolf out of dogs, but cats are wild still. They are genetically almost identical to their ancestor species, the Libyan wildcat (Felis libyca). They domesticated us. To me, it is one of the wonders of nature when this wild thing will curl up in my lap and give me a loving look.
If you lived in a rural area, you might not be as negative on dogs. Large ones, properly trained, are excellent protection for elderly folks. We've generally had large dogs, and they get me to do 2-3 miles of walking daily, barring horrible rain or sleet. Their feces generally are left (we train) in woodsy areas with lots of leaf litter. Insects recycle it, and compost results. I agree about plastic bags in landfills, and only use them if a dog happens to go in a garden or on a lawn.
I totally agree with you...all this dog crap is ridiculous! I especially hate calling dog owners parents, granddogs, siblings & fur babies pushed in strollers - CRAZY!!!!
I couldn't agree more! This piece is well written, well reasoned, and so true. The dog mania has reached an insane tipping point, to where pets (especially dogs) have eclipsed people in value, and in fact people are taken for granted, by the dog loving culture. So many dog lovers are misanthropes. Have you seen those Fresh Pet commercials that show dog lovers slamming the door on friends, throwing family members out, and even tossing someone in a car trunk, mobster style, all for the sake of their dog?
Bravo, this article SO needed to be written. Love the headline. Mania indeed.
I'm reminded of what my friend and colleague John from Iowa once told me: "Ed, they've come up with a new use for sheep!" me:"What, John?" John: "Wool!"
I'll add something even more controversial, Ed. At least a couple of people who have been reported dead in the LA wildfires apparently died because they were trying to save pets, I guess because they wrongly thought that pets were people, even family. They didn't have to die, period and end of story.
And, there's people who died trying to be professional firefighters. Putting out a fire from a stovetop grease splatter? A homeowner can do that. But, you're not a professional firefighter.
Pet owners have their animals overly high on a pedestal. Too much to ask of firefighters to do the work of animal control officers, on top of their other duties.
Are pets worth as much as people? Cats are far more valuable than some people. Given a choice between saving a lifeboat of kitties and a lifeboat containing J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, Stephen Miller, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Tucker Carlson, and assorted TV evangelists, I would save the kitties and let the others sleep with the fishes. I would sleep like a baby that night.
Pets give love of a purity humans seldom achieve. Love greater than we deserve--like the supposed grace of God. For me, life without cats would hardly be worth living. They are members of my family. I fully understand people who died trying to save their pets.
Well I did say human beings--so not Matt Gaetz, et al., then
An animal is never worth your life. Never. How can think so little of your own life?? A cat, gerbil, canary, dog, ferret, iguana, whatever, is a simple minded beast that views us as walking can openers. Pets would "bond" with a robot if it regularly provided food.
Many humans bond with inanimate things, things that give them far less than your hypothetical robot. Millions fetishize their firearms, and would die for them. "They will take my gun when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers" the gun fetishists declare. People have inordinate love for clothes, shoes, vehicles, jewelry, and their phones.
Cats are "simple minded?" No cat is ever as irrational as human beings are every day. Who is smarter, one who pursues simple pleasures and is satisfied with them, or those who employ the complexities of their intellects to create endless frustrations, pointless anxieties, irrational resentments, and intractable problems for themselves and others?
A cat is superior to you in almost every way. Pound for pound it is much stronger. Its senses are far more acute. Black midnight for us is only twilight for a cat. Cats can hear frequencies far higher pitched than we can. Their sense of smell is far more acute. If you were as athletic as a cat, you could stand in your front yard and jump onto your roof.
A big cat is even more impressive. The fastest human sprinter can cover 100 meters in a little less than ten seconds. A tiger can do it in four. If you are ever so unfortunate to find yourself in the woods at night near a tiger, know this: You cannot see him, but he can see you. He can hear the breath in your nostrils, your swallow of saliva, and the beating of your heart. With one blow he can instantly kill the strongest human being.
So, maybe you should rethink your knee-jerk human chauvinism. Are you demonstrating your superior intelligence by making groundless, unargued assertions about animals never being worth your life and asking questions like "How can you think so little of your own life?" This is a textbook example of a loaded question, like "Do you still beat your wife?" Hey, if your comment was intended to demonstrate superior human intelligence, it is a notable failure.
Keith, if cats are superior to us, then why do they allow themselves to be neutered? If a genie granted you one wish, would you wish to be a cat?
Ha Ha! Better to be a cat than a great many humans! If humans are so smart, how do they allow themselves to be fooled into voting for Donald Trump?!?
Oh, so I take it you'd save a drowning cat over a drowning child, or even over your own mother, or sibling? I also take it you're a staunch vegan? How starving would you have to be to eat a steak? Which species invented the computer that you're using? Cats? Who made your clothing, who wrote the books you read? Cats? We can shoot dead the biggest lion or tiger by using a gun or even bow & arrow. Our brain, our mind, is superior. All the tools we create. Can pets fathom Einstein's equations?
Mary and Keith, please lower the rhetorical temperature a notch. I admire and respect Keith Parsons immensely, but I think I disagree with him in important ways regarding pets. But I know with almost 100% certainty that he would not sacrifice a human child to save a drowning cat. And I know he understands fully the important ways in which human beings and cats differ regarding intelligence, physical speed, etc. You two disagree--please leave it at that, OK?
In deference to you, Ed, I will refrain from replying at all to her reply. An appropriate response would not lower the temperature, so I will maintain silence.
I didn't mean to stir everyone up, but it really is concerning how high people place pets & other animals and preferring to focus on ways in which they are superior to people. Very rude to point out that cats are superior
to value as a human being is superior to a cat or any other animal.
I am sure others will say it, but I will say it first: The real problem is not pets but their owners. My sister used to live next door to some people who owned a schnauzer. Early on a weekend morning, circa 7:00 A.M., they would let this animal into their backyard, where he would immediately begin incessant barking. Actually, the bark was more like a high-pitched shriek. The sound was like a spike being driven into your skull. They eventually approached the neighbors and asked them politely to address the issue. They agreed to do so, but sullenly. Why the attitude? Do they think that neighbors should just tolerate their animated siren? People who do not control chronically barking dogs are creating a public nuisance and should be subject to fines.
The other side of Keith's story is listening to my sister, for many years a malamute breeder, go on about irresponsible pet owners, including some breeders. She had an exceptionally rigorous application and vetting process before she would agree to convey one of her dogs to a new home.
We might consider something similar for prospective parents.
Of course they did. it's like so many American parents and their kids. It was eye opening to live in Czechia for two years and learn you could sit in a crowded restaurant with a four-year-old at your back for the duration of a meal and have no idea he was there.
Kids and dogs don't have to be so awful so often. A few times when younger, meaner, and stronger, I was tempted to go up to the table where a screaming kid was ruining the dinner of everyone in the restaurant. I would get in the face of one parent and start screaming. After a few seconds, I would inquire, "There. How do you like it?" This would probably have resulted in a considerable escalation, however.
Cats rule!
We bred the wild wolf out of dogs, but cats are wild still. They are genetically almost identical to their ancestor species, the Libyan wildcat (Felis libyca). They domesticated us. To me, it is one of the wonders of nature when this wild thing will curl up in my lap and give me a loving look.
They breed the wild out of us ;)
If you lived in a rural area, you might not be as negative on dogs. Large ones, properly trained, are excellent protection for elderly folks. We've generally had large dogs, and they get me to do 2-3 miles of walking daily, barring horrible rain or sleet. Their feces generally are left (we train) in woodsy areas with lots of leaf litter. Insects recycle it, and compost results. I agree about plastic bags in landfills, and only use them if a dog happens to go in a garden or on a lawn.
I've never lived in rural areas, so you could well be right.
I totally agree with you...all this dog crap is ridiculous! I especially hate calling dog owners parents, granddogs, siblings & fur babies pushed in strollers - CRAZY!!!!
I couldn't agree more! This piece is well written, well reasoned, and so true. The dog mania has reached an insane tipping point, to where pets (especially dogs) have eclipsed people in value, and in fact people are taken for granted, by the dog loving culture. So many dog lovers are misanthropes. Have you seen those Fresh Pet commercials that show dog lovers slamming the door on friends, throwing family members out, and even tossing someone in a car trunk, mobster style, all for the sake of their dog?
Bravo, this article SO needed to be written. Love the headline. Mania indeed.
Ed wrote: "Sleep with your dog? (I’m not—and won’t—discuss “sleeping” as anything more than resting, dozing, napping, getting shut-eye, etc.) ...."
Darn! Just when I was getting out the popcorn! ;)
I'm reminded of what my friend and colleague John from Iowa once told me: "Ed, they've come up with a new use for sheep!" me:"What, John?" John: "Wool!"
I'll add something even more controversial, Ed. At least a couple of people who have been reported dead in the LA wildfires apparently died because they were trying to save pets, I guess because they wrongly thought that pets were people, even family. They didn't have to die, period and end of story.
Some also tried to demand that firefighters risk their lives to save their dogs.
And, there's people who died trying to be professional firefighters. Putting out a fire from a stovetop grease splatter? A homeowner can do that. But, you're not a professional firefighter.
Pet owners have their animals overly high on a pedestal. Too much to ask of firefighters to do the work of animal control officers, on top of their other duties.
/Users/EdBuckner/Pictures/Photos Library2017.11.photoslibrary/originals/1/1A823A4B-9E0D-4558-AA7C-49BA65027609.jpeg
Donna Gore sez--This little guy is my best friend and costnnat companion." So far, I haven't figured out how to post the pic she emailed me.